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Strategy :: To achieve above objectives, the mission will adopt the following strategies:


Adopt an end-to-end holistic approach covering pre-production, production, post harvest management, processing and marketing to assure appropriate returns to growers/producers;

b). Promote R&D technologies for cultivation, production, post-harvest management and processing with special focus on cold chain infrastructure for extending the shelf life of perishables;

c). Improve productivity by way of quality through:

i. Diversification, from traditional crops to plantations, orchards, vineyards, flowers, vegetable gardens and bamboo plantations.
ii. Extension of appropriate technology to farmers for high-tech horticulture including protected cultivation and precision farming.
iii. Increase of acreage of orchards and plantation crops including bamboo and coconut, particularly in states where total area under horticulture is less than 50% of agricultural area.

d). Improve post harvest management, processing for value addition and marketing infrastructure.

e). Adopt a coordinated approach and promote partnership, convergence and synergy among R&D, processing and marketing agencies in public as well as private sectors, at the national, regional, state and sub-state levels;

f). Promote FPOs and their tie up with Market Aggregators (MAs) and Financial Institutions (FIs) to support and adequate returns to farmers.

g). Support capacity-building and Human Resource Development at all levels, including, change in syllabus and curriculum of graduation courses at Colleges, Universities, ITIs, Polytechnics, as appropriate.

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